​"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book". Dr. Seuss
​Infant Program
Tiny Steps is the perfect place to bring your baby to learn and grow alongside friends and staff. In this age group we focus on helping the babies reach their milestones through activities. We work on strengthening neck muscles through tummy time, work on developing motor skills through activities using light up toys and sounds. Aside from these activities, we engage as a whole in circle time, where we sing nursery songs, ABC's, go over numbers, shapes and more. All the learning and activities are done with lots of love to ensure your baby feels comfortable and loved.
​2's Program
This is such a fun age group! We do lots of cognitive learning to help the children grow academically and socially. Our day consists of activities such as arts and crafts, dramatic play, outdoor play, dancing, instrument playing, puzzles, kid yoga and more! Everyday is a different set of activities in order to keep our little ones attention and interest. Lots of play time involving learning is our way to have our kids grow and thrive! Circle time is also part of our day right after breakfast, where all the children have a chance to get together and socialize in an effort to create beautiful friendships.
3's Program
This program is very similar to the 2's program, with the difference that we start to get the kids ready for school. We show them how to hold a pencil, how to write and recognize their name and how to put on their own jackets. We begin to encourage the kids to push themselves in order to master these skills the best they can. Potty training is also something we assist with and make sure the kids are fully potty trained before departing. We love seeing our babies grow into toddlers and then off to school with a solid foundation on the basics of pre-k. ​It's always a proud moment when your child already knows most of what pre-k teaches thanks to the hard work they put in at Tiny Steps Day Care!